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Gum Disease Treatment
Washington DC

Periodontal Care – Gum Disease

Your gums are essential to the health of your teeth. Keeping your gum tissue healthy supports strong teeth and can help prevent tooth loss later in life. At DC Dental Spa, we’re your partner in periodontal care to prevent or treat gum disease.

Gum disease is identified by three progressive phases. The first stage of periodontal disease is called gingivitis, followed by periodontitis. The third and final and most serious level of the condition is advanced periodontitis. Diagnosing and treating periodontal disease promptly will stymie the progress.

Stemming from damaging oral bacteria, gum disease is considered a huge contributor of loose or missing teeth among patients aged 35 and up and can also be connected to many worrisome physical health conditions. These bacteria reside within plaque and tartar deposits that build up on the enamel. They create toxins that will immediately harm the gums, bone, and the ligaments that keep each tooth in the correct place.

Our fantastic team at DC Dental Spa are proficient with our deliberate dental exams and checkups.  The advanced dental technology available in our clinic and the caring atmosphere will help us evaluate any problems we might encounter. Call 202-333-9282 for an initial consultation and let us help begin a preventive oral hygiene program that, as we work together, keeps gum disease and any gum recession at bay.

Periodontal Therapy Options

There are a number of surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy options available that can effectively reverse the impact of gum disease and gum recession that will reduce the likelihood of tooth loss, prevent the need for any tooth extractions, or reduce the need for dental bone grafts.

Common periodontal therapy procedures include the following:

  • Scaling and Root Planing: A deep cleaning of the teeth that removes plaque and tartar that have developed below the gum line. Scaling refers to the removal of plaque and calculus from the surface of your teeth, where root planing refers to the smoothing out your teeth’s roots in order to remove bacteria and speed up the healing process.
  • Periodontal Laser Treatment: Removes gum tissue that has become diseased. You may wish to pursue this option because unlike traditional treatments, periodontal laser treatment causes less discomfort and less gum shrinkage.
  • Periodontal Plastic Surgery: The reshaping procedure that is performed to improve the aesthetic appearance of your gum tissue.
  • Dental Implants: The dental implant process begins with the extraction of a decayed or damaged tooth (if necessary) followed by an x-ray to determine if there is sufficient jawbone to properly hold a dental implant. If you are a viable candidate, a titanium post will be surgically inserted into your jawbone. After this has healed, the artificial tooth or bridge will be placed on this post.

Are You a candidate for Periodontal Care?

You might require treatment for gum disease if you have some minimal gum tissue inflammation and bleeding. Certainly if you have any loose teeth and the significant deterioration of any neighboring oral tissues. When we discover gum disease and address it early, you will have an increased opportunity to mitigate the condition’s harmful symptoms. You may have bleeding gums or puffiness and consider it ordinary. Bleeding and various other symptoms of gum disease are never typical and should be looked at immediately by or team.

What are the symptoms of gum disease and recession?

The symptoms of gum disease are not obvious until it has already progressed to the next stage. Consider seeing us at DC Dental Spa if you suspect that you might have any of the following symptoms:

  • Your gums are swollen, red, or tender
  • You have discomfort or pain in your mouth
  • There is bleeding when brushing or flossing your teeth
  • Your gums have receded or have pulled away from your teeth
  • You can see pus between your gums and teeth
  • You have mouth sores
  • Your family and friends complain about your chronic bad breath
  • You notice loose or separating teeth
  • Your teeth no longer fit together when you bite

Call DC Dental Spa for an evaluation if you observe one or more of the probable symptoms of periodontal disease.

How is Gum Disease Treated?

Discovering gum disease as soon as possible may be critical to improve the condition of your oral structures. To learn whether your periodontal disease is affecting your dental wellness, we will use a precise tool to measure the gaps between your gum tissue and your tooth roots. If these pockets are more than 3 millimeters in depth, it might be a matter of concern. X-rays will be helpful in assessing the level of bone tissue around each tooth to determine the stage of gum disease.

At DC Dental Spa we provide advanced screenings to identify the phase of your gum disease and will develop the correct method for treatment. The starting stage of gum disease is usually addressed through a thorough cleaning and improved at-home dental hygiene. To treat the second stage of gum disease, treatments are repeated every few months and coupled with antibiotics. The advanced stage of gum disease can be best managed through a surgical approach.

Follow Up Care

Following a meticulous dental care routine is actually crucial once we have addressed your gum disease. At your visit to our office, we will provide you with effective advice to improve your at-home toothbrushing habits and safeguard your teeth and gums. We will also provide you with thorough post-treatment tips to get well from your procedure quickly. In-depth maintenance and preventative cleanings are strongly advised several times a year.

Is the Periodontal Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage for periodontal solutions might differ in your plan. Our office staff will reach out to your policy carrier to figure out your coverage before we begin your treatment. DC Dental Spa wants to make dental care as accessible as possible and offers various types of payment options for your convenience.

High Quality Care You Can Trust

At our downtown office of DC Dental Spa, the entire staff will work with you to accommodate your busy schedule. The whole team shares in the enjoyment of developing strong and lasting relationships with each of our patients. We enjoy the fact that our patients continue to place trust in us through regular dental exams. We are deliberate, thorough and thoughtful about exercising preventative overall dental health and delivering the enjoyment that comes with your healthy smile. Visit us today at DC Dental Spa, 730 24th St. NW, Suite 9, Washington, DC, 20037, or call 202-333-9282 for an evaluation and consultation regarding the possibility of you having gum disease and recession and to abate the disease immediately.

Let's Discuss Your Smile!
