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Dental Implants Versus Bridges

If you have a tooth or teeth that have fallen out, been extracted, or have been knocked out you definitely need to plan to have them replaced. Not only does having a gap in your smile look unappealing, but it is also bad for your oral health.

There are a few options for the replacement of missing teeth. For a small number of missing teeth, you’ll likely be choosing between dental implants and a dental bridge.

Below is more information about why you should get a missing tooth or teeth replaced, what dental implants are, what dental bridges are, and which is the right choice to meet your needs.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to DC Dental Spa. We’d be happy to answer any questions and get you scheduled for an appointment.

Why It’s Important to Replace Missing Teeth

You need to replace a missing tooth or missing teeth. There are a lot of reasons why you should do this. Below are some of the most important reasons why you need to replace a missing tooth or teeth: 

  •   Migration Prevention. If you have a gap between your teeth where one or more teeth are missing, you may notice your healthy teeth begin to shift over time. Teeth help to hold each other in place and—without a full row of teeth—your healthy teeth can migrate. This, in turn, can lead to crookedness, impacting, and teeth crowding.
  •   Appearance. Having a gap in your smile, crooked teeth, or crowded teeth is not appealing. Dental implants and bridges close the gap in your smile and ensure your healthy teeth don’t move.
  •   Ongoing Oral Health. When your teeth shift, it causes more than cosmetic issues. Crowding and crookedness can make it difficult to properly brush and floss your teeth. In turn, this makes it that much more difficult to take proper care of your oral health. Over time, this can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral health issues. Implants and bridges help to keep teeth from shifting, which makes it easier to brush and floss like normal.
  •   Bite support. If you have a missing tooth or missing teeth, you know how difficult biting and chewing can be. Dental implants and dental bridges provide additional bite support, allowing you to bite and chew your favorite foods.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are teeth replacement prosthetics that involve the placement of metal rods into the jawbone to hold false teeth in place. Implants can either be used to replace a single tooth, a few teeth, or even an entire row of teeth. Many patients love dental implants since they are very long-lasting and secure.

What Are Dental Bridges?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic that bridges the gap between missing teeth. Bridges can either replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. Dental bridges generally involve the reshaping of a natural tooth or teeth to place a crown or crowns that hold the prosthetic tooth or teeth in place.

What Are Implant-Supported Bridges?

An implant-supported bridge is essentially a mix between a dental implant and a dental bridge. The main difference is the bridge is created with implants that hold the prosthetic in place instead of the reshaping of healthy teeth.

What Choice Is Right for Me?

The choice of whether a dental implant or bridge is right for you will depend on a few different factors. Below are some of the main considerations when it comes to choosing between a dental implant, a dental bridge, or an implant-supported bridge…

The Number of Teeth You Need Replaced

Both dental implants and dental bridges can replace a single tooth. Once the number of teeth gets higher, though, the need for dental implants increases. Dental bridges generally are used to replace one or two teeth. If an entire row of teeth needs to be replaced, dentures, implant-supported dentures, or all-on-4 will need to be considered.

An implant-supported bridge is an excellent option for patients that have more than two missing teeth and/or would like the additional security that comes with dental implants.

Jawbone Strength

In order to have dental implants placed, you need a strong enough jawbone. This makes jawbone strength a major consideration when it comes to the placement of dental implants. If your jawbone is deteriorated or weak, a dental bridge may be your best option.

With that being said, bone grafting may be available to strengthen your jawbone. A successful bone graft will provide you with enough bone density to support the installation of a dental implant or multiple implants. Bone grafts are generally successful but do come at an additional cost.


Cost may be a major consideration when choosing between an implant and a bridge. Dental implants can end up being significantly more expensive depending on the provider, insurance coverage, and other factors. In order to see if a dental implant is covered by your insurance provider and by how much, you’ll need to reach out to your insurance company.

Why DC Dental Spa?

For the best dental office in Washington DC, you’ll want to book an appointment with DC Dental Spa. Our outstanding team has years of experience, and we all have a strong commitment to patient satisfaction. We do everything we can to ensure you feel comfortable throughout the process, and we are happy to help however we can.

DC Dental Spa provides a variety of different services that include general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and dental implants. We are a one-stop office for just about all of your dentistry needs! This means you don’t have to look around for multiple dentists and offices.

We accept insurance from many providers, along with offering our own in-house dental plan.

Contact DC Dental Spa Today!

If you need a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth replaced, reach out to DC Dental Spa. We’ll have a top dentist look at your teeth, gums, and jawbone to determine the best replacement solution to meet your needs.
